Serving Your Organization and our Community

As a Community Partner, your employees and members and/or volunteers will be eligible to join Northwest and experience all the benefits of membership. Community Partners enjoy additional opportunities such as Northwest sponsorships, donations and volunteer service by our employees. We are committed to helping the community by providing the members of your organization with financial wellness services, including free webinars and seminars.

Eligibility Criteria

We invite you to submit our Partner Checklist to start our discussion of a potential partnership. We encourage organizations who meet the following criteria to inquire:

  • Your organization aligns with Northwest’s Four Paths of Community Outreach:
    • Animal Welfare
    • Children and Special Needs
    • Environment and the Arts
    • Health and Wellness
  • Your organization has 25 or more employees
  • Your organization offers volunteer opportunities

Interested in Becoming a Community Partner?

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